How to Complete the Patient Zero Challenge in BitLife
Hey there, fellow BitLife players! Are you ready to take on the Patient Zero Challenge in BitLife and prove your disease-fighting skills?
In this article, I’ll walk you through the steps to complete this challenge and become the ultimate survivor. Let’s dive in!
Patient Zero Challenge Status: Expired
Challenge Date: 4 – 8 March, 2023
The Patient Zero Challenge in BitLife: What’s It All About?
The Patient Zero Challenge is a unique task in BitLife that puts your character’s health to the test. The goal is to complete five objectives:
- Be born a male in Florida
- Become a roadkill remover
- Recover from 3+ STDs
- Marry a doctor
- Suffer from 5+ diseases at once

Sounds like a lot, right? But don’t worry, I’ve got your back. Let’s tackle each objective one by one.
Step-by-Step Guide to Complete the Patient Zero Challenge
Let’s dive into the specific tasks you need to accomplish to complete the Patient Zero Challenge in BitLife:
Objective 1: Be Born a Male in Florida
To start, you’ll need to create a new character in BitLife. Choose male as your gender and select a city in Florida, like Miami or Tampa, as your birthplace.
If you don’t see Florida as an option, pick a city and then change the state later on.
Objective 2: Become a Roadkill Remover
Once you’ve aged up to 18, it’s time to find a job. The Roadkill Remover position is a rare one, so keep aging up until you see it pop up.
It’ll have a skull and crossbones icon and the “Small Business” tag. Apply for the job and nail the interview to complete this objective.
Objective 3: Recover from 3+ STDs
Now, the fun part! To get STDs, you’ll need to engage in some risky behavior. Head to the Love section and select “Hook Up” to have unprotected encounters with random people. Keep at it until you’ve contracted three or more STDs.
To recover, visit the doctor regularly and make sure to choose the best treatment option. You can also try alternative methods like seeing a witch doctor for certain diseases.
Objective 4: Marry a Doctor
Time to settle down with a medical professional! Start dating by selecting “Date” from the Love section.
Look for doctor profiles and focus on building a strong relationship. Once you’re ready, propose with a fancy ring and tie the knot.
Objective 5: Suffer from 5+ Diseases at Once
This one might be a bit tricky, but hang in there. To rack up those illnesses, keep engaging in unhealthy habits like never exercising, getting plastic surgery, and avoiding the doctor.
You can also try trolling the BitLife app on social media to instantly contract random conditions.
Once you’ve got five or more diseases at the same time, congratulations! You’ve completed the Patient Zero Challenge in BitLife.
Tips for Success
- Be patient and persistent. Some objectives, like finding the Roadkill Remover job, can take a while to appear.
- Use protection when hooking up to avoid STDs. You can’t recover from them if you don’t contract them first.
- Choose the best doctor and treatment options for a higher chance of recovery.
- Propose an expensive ring to increase your chances of getting married.
- Engage in unhealthy behaviors consistently to rack up those diseases.
Final Thoughts
There you have it, folks! By following these steps and staying determined, you’ll be able to complete the Patient Zero Challenge in BitLife.
Remember, it’s all about having fun and embracing the chaos of this unique game.
Good luck, and may your character survive the onslaught of diseases! Let me know if you have any other questions or want to share your Patient Zero Challenge experiences.