BitLife Achievements

BitLife Achievements: Discover the Secrets to Success

Are you ready to take your BitLife experience to the next level? With over 200 achievements to unlock, this life simulator game offers a wide range of challenges and rewards that will keep you engaged and motivated.

In this article, we’ll explore the various categories of achievements in BitLife, from longevity and wealth to animal and combat, and provide you with their requirements to help you achieve them.


  1. Complete a Life: Complete a full life 
  2. Octogenarian: See your 80th birthday 
  3. Nonagenarian: See your 90th birthday 
  4. Centenarian: See your 100th birthday 
  5. Super-centenarian: See your 110th birthday 
  6. Mega-centenarian: See your 120th birthday 
  7. Strong Genes: Achieve a 500-year generation 
  8. Long Lineage: Achieve a 1000-year generation 
  9. Living Legacy: Achieve a 5000-year generation 


  1. Millionaire: Become a millionaire 
  2. My Second Million: Achieve a net worth of $2m 
  3. Multimillionaire: Achieve a net worth of $10m 
  4. Rich: Achieve a net worth of $20m 
  5. Super Rich: Achieve a net worth of $50m 
  6. Stinking Rich: Achieve a net worth of $100m 
  7. Billionaire: Achieve a net worth of $1 billion 
  8. Trillionaire: Achieve a bank balance of $1 trillion 
  9. Zillionaire: Achieve a ridiculous bank balance 


  1. Animal Rescue: Rescue an animal 
  2. Deaf Leopard: Yell at a leopard 
  3. Gorilla and the Fist: Get decapitated by a gorilla 
  4. Hungry Hippo: Get killed by a hippopotamus 
  5. Lion Tamer: Rescue a lion 
  6. Unicorn: Find a unicorn 


  1. Actor: Become an actor 
  2. Airline Captain: Become an airline captain 
  3. At Inner Peace: Work 75 years as a monk 
  4. Candywriter: Work for BitLife 
  5. CEO: Become a CEO 
  6. Dentist: Become a dentist 
  7. Doctor: Become a doctor 
  8. Fire Chief: Become a fire chief 
  9. Jack of all Trades: Have 10 careers in one life 
  10. Judge: Become a judge 
  11. Last Resort: Seduce your boss to save your job 
  12. Lawyer: Become a lawyer 
  13. People Person: Befriend all of your co-workers 


  1. Armed & Dangerous: Kill someone with a learned martial art move 
  2. Cracked: Accidentally murdered 10 people in fights 
  3. Flawless Victory: Fight 10 people without retaliation in one life 
  4. Medieval Attack: Get attacked with a medieval weapon 
  5. No Grasshopper: Earn the top belt in a martial art 
  6. Sensei San: Earn the top belt in every martial art 


  1. Backstabber: Kill 15 Enemies-turned-Friends 
  2. Balcony Buccaneer: Steal 100 packages in one life 
  3. Bugatti Bandit: Steal a Bugatti 
  4. Burglar: Burgle 25 homes in one life 
  5. Cold Killer: Kill 10 people in one life 
  6. Cosa Nostra: Join the Sicilian mafia 
  7. Dillinger: Rob 5 banks in one life 
  8. Godfather: Becomes a Mafia Godfather 
  9. Going Anywhere: Rob the midnight train 
  10. Rat Spotter: Correctly identify a rat in the mafia 
  11. Red Rum: Murder 50 people in one life 
  12. Scare to Death: Scare someone to death 
  13. Serial Killer: Kills 25 people in one life 
  14. The Program: Enter the Witness Protection Program 


  1. Addicted: Sustain 3 addictions at once 
  2. Bubonic Plague: Contract the bubonic plague 
  3. Foam at the Mouth: Contract rabies 
  4. Sickly: Contract 10 diseases in one life 
  5. Successful Rehab: Have an addiction cured at a rehab center 
  6. Witchcraft: Get cured of a disease by the witch doctor 


  1. BitBoi: Watch Bijuu Mike on YouTube 
  2. BTS Army: Go to a BTS concert 
  3. Movie Junkie: Go to 5 movies in one life 
  4. Moviegoers: Go to a movie 


  1. Brightest Star: Achieve maximum fame 
  2. Centerfold: Pose for Wank magazine 
  3. Endorser: Get paid $2 million for a commercial 
  4. K-Pop: Become a Famous Korean singer 


  1. DNA Donor: Make 25 sperm donations in one life 
  2. Fabulously Fertile: Have 10 children in one lifetime 
  3. Fertile Myrtle: Mother 25 children in one life 
  4. Smart Seed: Get artificially inseminated with lawyer sperm 
  5. Super Sperm: Have 100 children in one life 
  6. Three’s Company: Have triplets 


  1. Bejeweled: Receive 3 pieces of jewelry from the same lover 
  2. Black Widow: Widow 5 husbands in one life 
  3. Diamond Anniversary: Be in a marriage for 75 years 
  4. Fake It: Propose successfully with a fake ring 
  5. Family Planner: Convince a lover to go off birth control 
  6. Golden Anniversary: Be in a marriage for 50 years 
  7. Heat of the Moment: Have unprotected sex 10 times without getting an STD in one life 
  8. Maiden Named: Marry a man who takes your last name 
  9. Multigamist: Get married 10 times in one life 
  10. Russian Roulette: Have unprotected sex with 20 sketchy lovers in one life 
  11. Stud: Have 100 lovers in a single life 
  12. Wedding Planner: Agree to an arranged marriage


  1. Career Military: Serve your full career in the military 
  2. General: Achieve the rank of general in the military 
  3. Admiral: Achieve the rank of admiral in the military 
  4. Absent Without Leave: Go AWOL in the military 
  5. Excavator: Clear 10 minefields 


  1. Adopt Don’t Shop: Adopt every pet in the shelter 
  2. Horsing Around: Own 50 horses in one life 
  3. Just Keep Swimming: Buy a goldfish and release it 
  4. Natural Selection: Have a pet that kills your lover 
  5. No Probllama: Buy a llama 


  1. Aftermath: Escape prison in a riot 
  2. Behind Bars: Spend 50 years in prison 
  3. Cry Baby: Cry in prison 
  4. Escape Artist: Escape from prison 
  5. Gangsta: Join a prison gang 
  6. Inmating: Get a lover pregnant on a conjugal visit 
  7. Instigator: Start a prison riot 
  8. Justice: Get freed from prison by appeal 
  9. Mercy Me: Get granted clemency 
  10. Midnight Express: Get sentenced to a Turkish prison 
  11. Theseus: Escape a supermax prison 
  12. True Lifer: Spend 75 years in prison 


  1. Executioner: Execute 20 people 
  2. Markle: Marry into the British royal family 
  3. Monarch: Become a monarch 
  4. Napoleon: Get exiled to a distant land 
  5. Reign Over Us: Reign as monarch for 100 years 


  1. Canton: Get inducted into the Football Hall of Fame 
  2. Cristiano: Win the Ballon d’Or 
  3. Full Ride: Accept an athletic scholarship 
  4. Giggsy: Win 13 career championships 
  5. Hooker: Get paid to be a hooker 
  6. Lance: Win a championship while doping 


  1. Bling Bling: Have a record and earn a diamond certification 
  2. Didgeridoo’er: Master the didgeridoo 
  3. Keep it on the Down Hoe: Perform at a hoedown 
  4. Lyrical Legend: Release 25+ studio albums in one life 
  5. Moves Like Jagger: Go on tour at age 75+ 


  1. Baby, I’m Bollywood!: Play a leading role in a Bollywood film 
  2. Best in Show: Win an award for Best Actor 
  3. Boo! Boooo!: Get booed offstage at an awards show 
  4. Co-Star Calmer: Comfort a nervous co-star 
  5. Deadpan Performance: Get hired to play a zombie as an extra 
  6. Por Siempre con Amor: Star in a long-running telenovela 
  7. Smells Like Asscar: Win an Award for Worst Picture 
  8. That’s Showbiz: Get dropped by a talent agent 
  9. Worst than Bennifer: Experience critics call your film worse than Gigli 


  1. Chipping In: Acquire a semiconductor company 
  2. Expansion: Lead a company with 100+ facilities 
  3. Feeding Families: Lead a company with 1,000+ employees 
  4. It’s All Yours: Get offered a CEO position 
  5. Lawsuit & Tie: Get sued by an employee 
  6. Meals on Wheels: Start a food truck business 
  7. Now Buy Twitter: Introduce a new electric car 
  8. Phlegmployee: Spit at an employee 
  9. Taco Tuesday: Buy your team tacos on Tuesday 

Stock Market

  1. Martha: Go to prison for insider trading 
  2. Off the Blockchain: Earn $5m in crypto profits 
  3. Riding the Bull: Earn $10m in stock profits 
  4. Bottomed Out: Own a cryptocurrency that goes to zero 
  5. BTLF: Invest in BitLife 

Street Hustling

  1. Benevolent Beast: Panhandle change from an animal 
  2. Bravo: Receive standing ovation 
  3. Pan Flute Pro: Become a master Peruvian pan flutist 
  4. Pearl Bracelet: Receive a pearl bracelet on the street 
  5. Stand Your Ground: Refuse to leave after being asked to by a cop 
  6. Sucker: Sell a tourist fake weed 
  7. Tossed Salad: Eat a tossed salad on the street 


  1. House Haunters: Rent out a haunted property 
  2. Slumlord: Earn $1m renting run-down properties 
  3. Lord of the Land: Rent out 10+ properties at once 
  4. Joint Ownership: Marry a tenant 
  5. Worth Diddly Squat: Lose a $250k+ property to a squatter 
  6. Both Hands Red: Walk in on a tenant playing Twister 
  7. Scrooged: Evict a tenant who has 3+ children 
  8. Beverly Hillbillies: Rent out a mansion with an outhouse 
  9. Close Your Eyes…: Make a wish 
  10. All-Inclusive: Sell a fully upgraded villa 
  11. New Lease, Who Dis?: Sell a property with tenants living in it 
  12. BLTV Cribs: Fully upgraded 10 properties worth $1m+ 
  13. Spirited Away: Have a tenant die in the hands of a ghost 

Real Estate

  1. House Hunter: Make $2m from flipping houses 
  2. Mansion Party: Throw a party in a mansion 
  3. Real Estate Mogul: Purchase real estate worth $10m combined 
  4. Trailer Party: Throw a party in a trailer 


  1. Brothers Forever: Get hired by a frat brother 
  2. Earning that A: Seduce your teacher 
  3. Naughty Child: Get expelled from school 
  4. Swimming Star: Become the captain of the swim team  

Social Media

  1. Social Media: Join social media 
  2. Social Media Sharer: Post on social media 
  3. Social Media Oversharer: Post 5 times on social media in one life 
  4. Social Media Star: Get a million followers on social media 
  5. Check!: Get a social media account verified 
  6. OnlyFeet: Gain 1M+ subscribers on OF just by using your feet 
  7. Just the Tip: Ignore someone’s request after they tipped $50,000+ 
  8. Moby Dick: Receive a fishing boat from an OF subscriber 
  9. Deep Strokes: Work out with a collaborator on OnlyFans 
  10. Collaboration Sensation: Gain 5,000 subscribers from a single OF collaboration 
  11. #OnlyTops: Be in the Top 0.01% of content creators on OnlyFans 


  1. Antiqued: Keep a car running for 200 years 
  2. Car Collector: Assemble a car collection worth $1m 
  3. Extra Leg Room: Take your own 747 on a vacation 
  4. Lambo: Buy a Lamborghini 
  5. Not The Yellow One: Buy a submarine 
  6. Titanic Trouble: Run into trouble on a yacht 


  1. Moon Prism Power: Discover a locket on the Moon
  2. Apocalypse: Later Save the Earth from annihilation
  3. Marvin: Set foot on Mars
  4. Holy Sh…: Discover a supermassive black hole
  5. Eureka!: Win the Noble Prize

Black Market

  1. Show & Tell: Open a museum 
  2. Mummy Dearest: Put your mother in a museum 
  3. Amateur Collector: Collect 50 unique treasures 
  4. Advanced Collector: Collect 150 unique treasures 
  5. Expert Collector: Collect 200 unique treasures 
  6. For the Hoard: Collect every treasure 
  7. Bang!: Win an auction 
  8. You’re Trippin’: Purchase a product from the Street Chemist 
  9. Smaug could never!: Fill every exhibit in your museum 


  1. BitLife Barbz: Started a commune as a famous rapper 
  2. Higher Calling: Embark on a spiritual journey 
  3. MEGA Commune: Gather a following of over 5,000 people 
  4. Behind These Walls: Fully upgrade a commune plot to a compound 
  5. Look What I Can D–Oh…: Watch a devoted communard perish 
  6. Righteous Fury: Have a communard murder a dissenter 
  7. IT’S A MIRACLE: Cleanse a communard of a disease 
  8. Grande Dame: Gave birth to 25 babies in a single cult 
  9. Everything The Light Touches: Receive an aircraft from a communard 
  10. The Immortal Ones: Taxidermy 15 communards in a single cult 
  11. Told You So: Lecture your followers about a dead rule-breaker 
  12. Cultural Phenomenon: Amass a following of 500,000 people 
  13. Love Guru: Hook up with 50 communards in a single cult 


  1. Absolutely Fabulous: Collect all 11 Pride Scavenger Hunt Objects
  2. All Along: Have a parent who comes out of the closet 
  3. Begone: Exorcise your own ghost 
  4. BitLife Legend: Complete every other achievement 
  5. Booty Call: Have a successful Brazilian butt lift 
  6. Cliff Diver: Go cliff diving 
  7. Dignified Donor: Donate a $1m+ heirloom to charity 
  8. Double Threat: Release a diamond album and receive a Bitty in the same life
  9. Egg-celent: Collect all 20 Bitlife Easter Eggs 
  10. Flamin’ Hot: Survive 60 years on a Hot Cheetos diet 
  11. Flee the Country: Emigrate to escape justice 
  12. Frankenstein: Survive 5 botched plastic surgeries 
  13. Goat Grabber: Join a goat-grabbing team 
  14. Hero: Save someone’s life 
  15. Human Dictionary: Read the dictionary 
  16. Hyperthymesia: Score 20 sequences on the memory test 
  17. Island Hopper: Emigrate to Cuba, Aruba, Japan, and Samoa in one life 
  18. Jackpot: Win the lottery jackpot 
  19. Lowroller: Get refused entry to a casino
  20. Magical Mogul: Become a famous CEO and magician in the same life  
  21. Nightmare: Wake up from a nightmare 
  22. Nomad: Emigrate to 20 countries in one life 
  23. Paranightmare: Contract PTSD after a paranormal experience 
  24. Perfection: Achieve perfect stats 
  25. Player Perks: Accept a casino’s hospitality offer 
  26. Quit Your Witchin’: Get attacked by the witch doctor 
  27. Resourceful: Get $1m without ever working a day 
  28. Rich Justice: Win a $1m+ lawsuit 
  29. Roswell: Have an alien encounter 
  30. Run Bitizen!: Win a bet on Bitizen the horse 
  31. Sacrilege: Play with the Holy Grail 
  32. Say Goodbye to Hollywood: Get deported from the United States 
  33. Skeezy: “Get called “Skeezy”
  34. Snake Snack: Eat a snake 
  35. Sweepstakes: Win the sweepstakes 
  36. There’s Always Canada: Emigrate to Canada 
  37. Try & Stop Me: Violate a restraining order 
  38. Ultimate Betrayal: Your spouse leaves you following a gender reassignment 
  39. Unethical: Bribe a college official 
  40. Winnipeg, Eh?: Visit Winnipeg on vacation 
  41. ZAP!: Get struck by lightning 


  1. Naomi Who?: Become a Supermodel
  2. Designer Threads: Collect 10 unique haute couture fashions
  3. To The Nines: Collect 20 unique haute couture fashions
  4. Style Icon: Collect 30 unique haute couture fashions
  5. Oui, Oui!: Walk in Paris Fashion Week
  6. SuperModel: Pose like a superhero during a shoot
  7. Model Mischief: Receive a gig after sabotaging a fellow model

Secret Agent

  1. The Kingsman: Start a spy agency as a royal
  2. The Nose: Expose 5 double agents in your agency
  3. Through the Backdoor: Steal $3,000,000 in an Infiltration attempt
  4. Fully Loaded: Collect all 16 spy gadgets
  5. Cull of Duty: assassinate 10 agents in your agency
  6. Turning Tables: Get an agent to assassinate the stepparent
  7. D.O.A.: Taxidermy 15 agents in your agency
  8. Gold Fingers: Have 5 Special operatives in your agency
  9. Tooken: Rescue a kidnapped family member
  10. Stealth +1: Have an agency with 25% prestige
  11. Mission: Probable: Have an agency with 50% prestige
  12. Legends Never Die: Have an agency with 100% prestige
  13. License to Thrill: Have a Special Operative complete a Honeypot mission


  1. Koalified: Fill an entire habitat with koalas
  2. I Noah Guy: Completely fill a large zoo with animals
  3. Myth Busted: Purchase a rare animal
  4. Cap-ybara: Collect all unique animal hats
  5. Welcome to the Jungle: Purchase a zoo
  6. Mini Menagerie: Completely fill a small zoo with animals
  7. Oh, the Zoo-manity: Completely fill a medium zoo with animals
  8. Circle of Life: Witness an animal-on-animal crime

Former BitLife Achievements

  1. Abort x10: Have 10 abortions in one lifetime

Final Thoughts

BitLife offers a wide range of achievements that cater to different interests and preferences. By following this guide, you can unlock these achievements and take your BitLife experience to the next level.

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