How to Complete the Simpler Life Challenge in BitLife
In this article, we’ll guide you through the steps to complete the Simpler Life Challenge in BitLife, a life simulation game that offers an immersive experience.
The Simpler Life Challenge is a unique and exciting challenge that requires you to live a typical, carefree life in California before flying across the world and taking on a challenging career.
To help you achieve this goal, we’ll break down each step into manageable tasks, ensuring that you have a smooth and enjoyable journey.
Simpler Life Challenge Status: Expired
Challenge Date: 17 – 21 February, 2024
Requirements to Complete the Simpler Life Challenge in BitLife
To complete the Simpler Life Challenge in BitLife, you need to meet the following requirements:
- Be born a female in California
- Own a chihuahua
- Have 100% Looks
- Emigrate to Bolivia
- Become a Roadkill Remover in Bolivia

Step-by-Step Guide to Complete the Simpler Life Challenge
Now that you know the requirements, let’s break down the steps to complete the Simpler Life Challenge in BitLife:
Step 1: Be Born a Female in California
To begin your Simpler Life Challenge, you’ll need to create a new female character whose starting location is Los Angeles, United States. Los Angeles is a city in California, making it a suitable beginning spot.
You can also choose other cities like San Francisco, San Diego, or Sacramento as long as they are located in California. To make this challenge easier, keep recreating characters until you have a high-look stat.
Later on, you can raise the stat by going to the gym, taking walks, and paying for plastic surgery. You’ll need 100% looks by the time the challenge ends, so use these options once you complete everything else to save time and money later.
Step 2: Own a Chihuahua
Next, you’ll need to own a chihuahua. The easiest way to do this is to go to the Activities tab and visit the Pets menu. From there, you’ll find numerous dog breeds, including the chihuahua menu, allowing you to buy a puppy for a few hundred in-game dollars.
Alternatively, if you want to save money, you can check the pet store or animal shelter, closing and reopening the BitLife app if one doesn’t appear immediately.
However, chihuahuas are not guaranteed to appear here, so you may have to check a few times before you find one. Once you find a chihuahua in one of the stores, adopt it and give it any name you’d like to knock out the task.
Step 3: Get 100% Looks
To get 100% looks, you’ll need to focus on improving your character’s appearance. You can do this by going to the gym, taking walks, and paying for plastic surgery.
If you have God Mode unlocked and activated, you can complete this task here as well. Otherwise, you’ll need to wait until your character is older to raise their looks stat.
Step 4: Emigrate to Bolivia
Once you’ve completed the previous tasks, it’s time to emigrate to Bolivia. To do this, head into the Activities tab and select Emigrate. Look through the list until you find Bolivia.
If it doesn’t appear initially, close and reopen the emigrate screen until you find it. Request approval and confirm your choice to bring your character to Bolivia, completing the fourth challenge task.
Step 5: Become a Roadkill Remover
The final task involves finding a job as a roadkill remover in Bolivia. This career requires no post-secondary education, so don’t worry about attending college or university to meet its qualifications.
Instead, head into the full-time job list and scroll through until you see roadkill remover. Like before, if it doesn’t show up, age up or close and reopen the BitLife app until you see it. Apply for the job and pass the interview to finish the final task.
Summing Up
Congratulations, you’ve completed the Simpler Life Challenge in BitLife The challenge requires you to live a typical, carefree life in California before flying across the world and taking on a challenging career.
By following these steps, you’ll be able to complete the challenge and earn a mystery cosmetic item to use on any of your characters. Remember to keep your character’s looks stat high and avoid committing any crimes during this challenge, as this can make emigration difficult later.
With these tips and a little bit of patience, you’ll be well on your way to completing the Simpler Life Challenge in BitLife.