How to Complete the Problem Child Challenge in BitLife
Problem Child Challenge in BitLife is about creating chaos and mischief as you navigate your character’s life.
In this article, we’ll break down the requirements and provide tips on achieving each task while keeping it fun and engaging.
Problem Child Challenge Status: Expired
Challenge Date: 21 – 25 September, 2024
Requirements for the Problem Child Challenge in BitLife
To complete the Problem Child Challenge in BitLife, you need to fulfill a series of specific tasks that showcase your character’s rebellious nature. Here’s what you need to accomplish:
- Insult 5+ classmates while in primary school
- Be suspended from primary school
- Be expelled from secondary school
- Have a 0% relationship with a parent
- Break out of juvie

Step-by-Step Guide to Complete the Problem Child Challenge
These tasks may sound daunting, but with some strategic planning, you can breeze through them. Let’s dive into each requirement and explore how to achieve them effectively.
Step 1: Insulting Classmates
How to Insult Classmates
The first task is all about making enemies! To insult classmates, follow these steps:
- Start Primary School: Create a new character and age them into primary school.
- Choose Insult Options: As you interact with your classmates, look for options that allow you to insult them. You can do this by selecting “Insult” from the interaction menu.
- Repeat Until You Reach Five: Make sure to insult at least five different classmates. This may take a few attempts, so don’t hesitate to try again if necessary.
Remember, the more chaotic your interactions, the better! Keep your character’s craziness level high to increase the chances of successful insults.
Step 2: Getting Suspended from Primary School
How to Get Suspended
Once you’ve insulted enough classmates, it’s time to get suspended:
- Continue Insulting: After insulting five classmates, continue with your rebellious behavior. You can also engage in other disruptive actions like fighting or skipping class.
- Wait for Consequences: Your character will eventually face repercussions for their actions. If you’ve been naughty enough, you should receive a suspension notice.
- Check Your Notifications: Once suspended, you’ll see a notification confirming your suspension from primary school.
Getting suspended is crucial for progressing in this challenge, so embrace your inner troublemaker!
Step 3: Expulsion from Secondary School
How to Get Expelled
Now that you’ve been suspended, it’s time for an even bigger step—expulsion:
- Enroll in Secondary School: Age up your character until they reach secondary school.
- Maintain Your Bad Behavior: Continue insulting classmates and getting into trouble. Engage in fights or skip classes frequently.
- Push Boundaries: To ensure expulsion, try committing more severe offenses like vandalism or bullying.
- Wait for Expulsion Notification: If you’ve been bad enough, you’ll receive a notification about your expulsion from secondary school.
This step is essential for completing the Problem Child Challenge in BitLife!
Step 4: Relationship with Parents: The 0% Requirement
Achieving a 0% Relationship
Next up is ensuring that your relationship with at least one parent hits rock bottom:
- Choose Your Parent Wisely: During character creation or when aging up, focus on one parent whom you want to have a terrible relationship with.
- Engage in Negative Interactions: Use options like “Argue” or “Insult” whenever interacting with this parent.
- Avoid Positive Actions: Make sure not to engage in any positive interactions that could improve your relationship score.
- Monitor Relationship Status: Keep an eye on your relationship status; once it hits 0%, you’ve completed this task!
Having a strained relationship adds depth to your character’s rebellious persona and fits perfectly within the challenge’s theme.
Step 5: Breaking Out of Juvie
How to Break Out of Juvie
The final task is breaking out of juvenile detention (juvie):
- Get Sent to Juvie: To end up in juvie, commit crimes such as theft or assault after being expelled from secondary school.
- Serve Your Time: Once incarcerated, wait out your sentence; this usually lasts a few years in-game.
- Plan Your Escape: While in juvie, look for options that allow you to break out. This might involve using skills or connections you’ve made while inside.
- Execute Your Escape Plan: Once you find an escape option, go for it! Successfully breaking out will complete the final requirement of the Problem Child Challenge in BitLife.
Congratulations! After completing these steps, you will have successfully finished the Problem Child Challenge!
Tips for Success
- Embrace Chaos: The key to this challenge is fully embracing your character’s rebellious nature; don’t shy away from making poor choices.
- Keep an Eye on Stats: Monitor your character’s craziness and happiness levels; keeping them high will help ensure success during interactions.
- Save Often: If you’re unsure about an action leading to negative consequences, save your game beforehand so you can reload if needed.
- Experiment with Different Characters: If one character isn’t working out, try creating another until you find one that fits well with the challenge requirements.
By following these steps and tips, you’ll be well on your way to completing the Problem Child Challenge in BitLife while having loads of fun along the way!
Final Thoughts
Challenges like the Problem Child Challenge add an exciting layer of gameplay to BitLife.
Whether you’re aiming for chaos or just looking for something different from traditional gameplay styles, embracing challenges can enhance your experience tremendously!
So go ahead—create that troublemaker and dive into the wild world of BitLife!
Check out these previously concluded challenges: Sly Duper, Bro Athlete, and Athletic Supporter. You can also check all BitLife Challenges to date here.