How to Complete the Nine to Five Challenge in BitLife
The Nine to Five Challenge in BitLife is a thrilling adventure that will test your skills and push you to the limits.
As a female character born in California, you’ll need to navigate the corporate world, seduce your male supervisor, and ultimately, poison him.
It’s a wild ride, but with our step-by-step guide, you’ll be well on your way to completing this challenge in no time.
Nine to Five Challenge Status: Expired
Challenge Date: 18 – 22 March, 2023
Requirements for the Nine to Five Challenge in BitLife
To complete the Nine to Five Challenge, you need to fulfill the following requirements:
- Be born a female in California
- Become a receptionist with a male supervisor
- Undergo breast enhancement surgery
- Seduce your male supervisor
- Poison your male supervisor

Step-by-Step Guide to Complete the Nine to Five Challenge
Let’s dive into the specific tasks you need to accomplish to complete the Nine to Five Challenge in BitLife:
Step 1: Be Born a Female in California
The first step to completing the Nine to Five Challenge is to be born a female character in California.
When creating your character, simply select “Female” as your gender and choose California as your starting location. Easy peasy!
Step 2: Become a Receptionist with a Male Supervisor
Once you’ve created your character, it’s time to start working towards becoming a receptionist.
After graduating from high school, head to the job listings and look for a receptionist position. If you don’t see one right away, keep aging up your character until it appears.
Now, here’s the tricky part: your supervisor needs to be male. If you get a job with a female supervisor, simply quit and keep applying until you find one with a male boss. Trust us, it’s worth the effort!
Step 3: Undergo Breast Enhancement Surgery
With your receptionist job secured, it’s time to save up some cash for a little cosmetic enhancement.
Head to the plastic surgery menu and select “Breast Enhancement.” Keep in mind that there’s a small risk of complications, so make sure you have enough money to cover any potential lawsuits.
Step 4: Seduce Your Male Supervisor
Now for the fun part! It’s time to put your seduction skills to the test. Head to the “Co-Workers” menu and select your male supervisor.
Choose the “Seduce” option and start building up your relationship. Don’t be discouraged if he turns you down at first – keep trying until he finally gives in to your charms.
Step 5: Poison Your Male Supervisor
The final step in the Nine to Five Challenge in BitLife is to eliminate your supervisor. Head to the “Crime” menu and select “Murder.”
Choose your supervisor as the target and “Poison” as the method. Keep in mind that there’s a chance of failure, so be prepared to run or fight your way out of any legal trouble.
Wrap Up
Congratulations! If you’ve completed all five steps, you’ve officially conquered the Nine to Five Challenge in BitLife.
It’s been a wild ride, but you’ve proven yourself to be a true master of the game. Now go forth and continue your reign of terror (or success, depending on how you look at it).
Check out the previously concluded Amongst Us Challenge, Patient Zero Challenge, and Woeful Wednesday Challenge. View the list of all challenges in BitLife.