Grumpmas Challenge in BitLife

How to Complete the Grumpmas Challenge in BitLife

Are you feeling a bit Grinch-y this holiday season? Well, you’re in luck because BitLife has just released a challenge that’s perfect for all the grumps out there – the Grumpmas Challenge in BitLife!

In this guide, we’ll walk you through the steps to complete this festive (or rather, un-festive) challenge and become the ultimate holiday Scrooge.

Grumpmas Challenge Status: Expired
Challenge Date: 16 – 20 December, 2023

Requirements for the Grumpmas Challenge in BitLife

To complete the Grumpmas Challenge in BitLife, you’ll need to fulfill the following requirements:

  • Be born a male in Nova Scotia
  • Insult 5+ primary school classmates
  • Pirate 10+ porches at age 18+
  • Burgle 5+ houses
  • Marry someone with 80%+ Looks
Grumpmas Challenge Requirements

Step-by-Step Guide to Completing the Grumpmas Challenge

Now that you know the requirements, let’s break down the steps to complete the Grumpmas Challenge:

Step 1: Become a Male in Nova Scotia

The first step to completing the Grumpmas Challenge is to be born a male in Nova Scotia.

This is a pretty straightforward task – simply start a new custom life and select “Male” as your gender, then choose Canada as your country and Halifax as your residence.

Boom, you’re already one step closer to becoming the ultimate holiday grouch.

Step 2: Insult 5+ Primary School Classmates

Next up, you’ll need to insult at least 5 of your primary school classmates. This is where you can let your inner Grinch shine.

Head to your school, select your primary school and then choose a classmate to insult. Repeat this process until you’ve insulted a total of 5 or more classmates.

Be careful, though – your classmates might not take too kindly to your mean-spirited remarks, and you could end up in trouble with the principal or even get attacked. But hey, that’s all part of the Grumpmas experience, right?

Step 3: Pirate 10+ Porches at Age 18+

Once you’ve reached the ripe old age of 18, it’s time to start pirating porches. Head to the “Activities” section and select “Crime,” then choose “Pirate Porch.” Keep doing this until you’ve pirated a total of 10 or more porches.

Now, I know what you’re thinking – “Isn’t that illegal?” Well, duh, of course it is! But that’s the whole point of the Grumpmas Challenge. You’re supposed to be a criminal Grinch, so embrace your inner lawbreaker and start snatching those porches like there’s no tomorrow.

Just be careful not to get caught, or you might end up in jail and have to start your Grumpmas journey all over again.

Step 4: Burgle 5+ Houses

Speaking of criminal activities, the next step in the Grumpmas Challenge is to burgle 5 or more houses. Again, head to the “Crime” section and select “Burglary.” Choose your target, and then start ransacking their home.

Be warned, though – the risk of getting caught is even higher with burglary than it is with porch pirating. So make sure you’re quick on your feet and ready to make a hasty exit if things start to go south.

Step 5: Marry Someone with 80%+ Looks

Finally, the last step in the Grumpmas Challenge is to marry someone with 80% or higher looks. This is where you can let your inner romantic (or, you know, your inner gold-digger) shine.

Head to the dating app and start swiping. When you find someone with 80% or higher looks, start a relationship with them and then propose or elope. Just make sure you don’t let your Grinch-y tendencies ruin the romance.

And there you have it, folks – the complete Grumpmas Challenge in BitLife. From insulting classmates to pirating porches, you’ll be the ultimate holiday grouch in no time. So what are you waiting for? Get out there and start spreading some Grinch-y cheer!

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